Banque Richelieu Monaco raises €110,000 for AMADE


Banque Richelieu Monaco raises 110,000 euros for the new programme
“Un état civil pour tous” program run by AMADE – Association Mondiale des Amis de l’Enfance.

Banque Richelieu Monaco raises 110,000 euros for the new program “Un état civil pour tous” run by AMADE – Association Mondiale des Amis de l’Enfance. The funds will be used to finance two initiatives on the African continent.

Banque Richelieu Monaco, in collaboration with AMADE – Association Mondiale des Amis de l’Enfance, has launched the “Phoenix Solidarité” project. This new initiative illustrates Banque Richelieu Monaco’s commitment to establishing itself as a major player in solidarity finance in the Principality of Monaco, in order to meet the growing demands of its customers with regard to the societal challenges facing the world.

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