
Monthly review – April 2024

Editorial : Bubble or not bubble? That is the question... Financial bubbles in stock markets are fascinating phenomena that capture investors' attention. Defined as a...

Monthly review – March 2024

China and the New World Disorder: Economic Stakes and Strategic Alliances Macro Point National People's Congress 2024 Source : X In a world marked by increasing economic uncertainties...

Monthly review – January 2024

2024 : a soft economic landing Macro Point In 2023, GDP growth exceeded expectations, while core inflation fell from 6% in 2022 to 3%...

Monthly review – December 2023

2024: almost the best of all possible worlds... Given what we've been through! Macro Point GDP growth in 2023 is expected to exceed forecasts made a...

Monthly Review – November 2023

In the beginning was the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Macro Point Inflation has been a major economic concern in recent years. Initially seen as...

Monthly review – October 2023

Global debt resumes upward trend  By Alexandre Hezez, Group Strategist Macro point Tweet from the Institute of International Finance Source : X (ex twitter) Although a significant reduction in...

Monthly Review – July 2023

Question for the vacations: Inflation target, why 2% and not 3%? By Alexandre Hezez, Group Strategist Editorial Inflation seems to be under control, but we are witnessing a...

Monthly Review – June 2023

The world's safest asset is no longer... By Alexandre Hezez, Group Strategist Editorial The U.S. President returned from the G7 summit in Japan ahead of schedule in order...