Macro & Markets

Monthly Review – June 2023

The world's safest asset is no longer... By Alexandre Hezez, Group Strategist Editorial The U.S. President returned from the G7 summit in Japan ahead of schedule in order...

Focus on… Artificial intelligence in portfolio management

Should we be afraid of AI in portfolio management? By Nicolas Touvet, Head of Asset Management Artificial intelligence is already present in many fields, including voice assistants...

Monthly Review – May 2023

China at the heart of geopolitics By Alexandre Hezez, Group Strategist Editorial Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a potentially transformative event, which has highlighted a shift in the...

Focus on… family businesses and ESG

Family businesses and ESG, champions or pariahs ? By Clémence de Rothiacob, manager of the Richelieu Family fund As a preamble, we feel it is appropriate to...

Focus on… Lithium

Lithium By Sébastien Mazille, Assistant Manager GSM The transition to greener modes of transportation is a major focus of governments and major cities to reduce the...

Market Flash – March 13th 2023

SVB Financial is a regional American bank, established for about 40 years, with headquarters in Silicon Valley, whose core business is to provide financial...

Monthly Review – March 2023

Are central banks afraid ? By Alexandre Hezez, Group Strategist Editorial Being late in the normalization of interest rates, central banks had to and were able to accelerate the...

Monthly Review – February 2023

The return to grace of a neglected European market ? By Alexandre Hezez, Group Strategist Editorial But who will buy European equities? It is true that the question...